In February 2013, the Morino City Residents' Association, consisting of residents and businesses in the community, was established in response to calls from project owners. The objective is to nurture a healthy and comfortable living environment and a sustainable community. The Council was operated with the support of the project owners for three years after its establishment, and independently by the members since then. In 2015, the third year of its establishment, the Council was registered as a residents' association of Funabashi City at the proposal of the residents. Many programs are introduced at the initiative of the members. Also, in Morino City, the PROUD Funabashi Housing Complex Management Association conducts various activities, working together with the Morino City Residents' Association to foster a local community throughout the city.
The Morino City Residents' Association consists of Blocks 1 to 5 of PROUD Funabashi, the Association of Detached Houses, Aeon Mall Funabashi, Aeon Town Shinfunabashi, Keiyo Bank Shinfunabashi Branch, and Morino City Pharmacy. As of 2022, the 10th year of the program, nearly 90% of the residents have joined. Town meetings are held periodically to give residents and businesses a chance to discuss what they desire and what solutions are feasible. Priority is given to the discussion process, and decisions are made by unanimity during town meetings.
The main activities of the Association include those that are essential to all residents, such as neighborhood beautification and disaster defense, as well as community-building events.
Disaster defense
Summer festival
Big band concert
Community clubs are formed to nurture a sense of community among residents. Based at the clubhouse, the clubs help residents take on new challenges or learn something new. Through the club activities, residents form bonds with one another and enhance their attachment to the community and neighborhood.
Hula dancing club
Parent-child playgroup
Summer festival workshop
Yoga class